1. Albert the Great: Science & Religion
2. Alcuin of York: Schools
3. Angelica, Mary: Mass Communication
4. Anselm of Canterbury: Slavery
5. Athanasius of Alexandria: One God
6. Barat, Madeleine-Sophie: Education of Women
7. Bede the Venerable: History
8. Bellarmine, Robert: Human Rights
9. Benedict of Nursia: Hospitals
10. Bosco, Giovanni: Urbanization
11. Brandsma, Titus: Freedom of Press
12. Cafasso, Joseph: Prisons
13. Camillus de Lellis: Red Cross
14. Canisius, Peter: The Catechism
15. Carrel, Alexis: Miracles
16. Catherine of Siena: Feminism
17. Chesterton, G.K.: Common Sense
18. Claver, Peter: Slave Trade
19. Constantine the Great: A Breakthrough
20. Copernicus, Nicolaus: Heliocentrism
21. Cyril and Methodius: The Vernacular
22. Damian de Veuster: Leprosy
23. Day, Dorothy: Social Justice
24. Dowling, Edward: Addictions
25. Drexel, Katharine: Human Diversity
26. Duhem, Pierre: Science Roots
27. Francis of Assisi: Mother Earth
28. Francis Xavier: Missionaries
29. Gonzalez, Roque: Jesuit Reductions
30. Greene, Graham: Novels
31. Gregory the Great: Papal Authority
32. Gregory VII: Church and State
33. Gregory XIII: Gregorian Calendar
34. Gutenberg, Johannes: Printing Press
35. Hieronymus, Eusebius: The Bible
36. Hildegard of Bingen: Using Talents
37. Ignatius of Antioch: Catholic or Christian?
38. Ignatius of Loyola: God's Soldiers
39. Isidore of Seville: Schooling
40. John Paul II: Communism
41. Justin the Martyr: Faith and Reason
42. Landsteiner, Karl: Blood Transfusions
43. Lemaitre, Georges: Big Bang
44. Leo XIII: Social Teaching
45. Lewis, C.S.: Apologetics
46. Maritain, Jacques: Human Rights
47. McCorvey, Norma: Abortion
48. McLuhan, Marshall: Social Media
49. Mendel, Gregor: Genetics
50. More, Thomas: Religious Liberty
51. Pasteur, Louis: Micro-organisms
52. Paul of Tarsus: Apostle without Borders
53. Paul VI: Sexual Revolution
54. Pius XII: Not Hitler's Pope
55. Ryan, John Augustan: Minimum Wage
56. Schumacher, E.F.: Small Is Beautiful
57. Semmelweis, Ignaz: Washing Hands
58. Serra, Junipero: Being One of Them
59. Teresa of Calcutta: Who Are the Poorest?
60. Thomas Aquinas: No Double Truth