Prayer of Hope and Healing
for our Nation and the World


  • Those who recite this Rosary will be granted peace and hope in their hearts.
  • The power to overthrow evil and return our nation and the world to the integrity with which they were founded.
  • In venerating God’s Name, the United States will return to the principles from which it was founded as one nation under God, and all nations will be protected and united in God’s mercy.
  • It will help to bring peace to our nation and the world.


I truly believe the Lord Jesus Himself asked me to make known His desire regarding the creation of this Rosary.
  • On Tuesday, February 26 2013, at 11:30 PM, the Lord gently awoke me with the intense love and compassion of His Sacred Heart. He instilled upon my heart the urgent need to console and comfort the peoples of America and the world.
  • Jesus asked that a Rosary be created. In awe, I pondered in my heart how this would be accomplished.
  • In obedience and with His Blessed Assurance, I went to my desk with the realization of my own limited human capacity. With the guidance of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, His Words, Spirit, and Love created the words of this Rosary.

Trudy of Jesus
A servant of God’s Love